Thursday, January 30, 2014

N2 Is Justin Bieber a good role model for our society?

In the past week, the 19 year old teenage pop star was arrested twice. That statement alone says a lot. CNN says "Bieber was briefly jailed in Miami on January 23 after he was stopped by a police officer who said he was drag racing in a residential street. He was booked on charges of drunken driving, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license" Later on the public learned that "Bieber blew .011 and .014 in two Breathalyzer tests given to him at the police station, according to a source with knowledge of the results. Florida's legal limit for drivers under the drinking age of 21 is .02. The police report said Bieber failed a field sobriety test given to him at the police station. He admitted to drinking, using marijuana and taking prescription pills, police said."

Now Justin Bieber has been charged with assaulting a limo driver a month ago. The police statement said "While driving the group to a hotel, an altercation occurred between one of the passengers and the driver of the limousine," the police statement said. "In the course of the altercation, a man struck the limousine driver on the back of the head several times. The driver stopped the limousine, exited the vehicle and called police." Of course his representatives are going to agree that he is innocent. If it were any other random person in the United States, they would be charged and punished accordingly. Justin Bieber will be appearing in court to discuss the incidents that happened.

Is that really a great influence on our children in today's already messed up society? Justin Bieber is a widely popular teen sensation. People of all ages are, well, basically obsessed with him. Is this because of his music, his looks, or his impeccable judgment?

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