Thursday, January 30, 2014

N2 Is Justin Bieber a good role model for our society?

In the past week, the 19 year old teenage pop star was arrested twice. That statement alone says a lot. CNN says "Bieber was briefly jailed in Miami on January 23 after he was stopped by a police officer who said he was drag racing in a residential street. He was booked on charges of drunken driving, resisting arrest and driving with an expired license" Later on the public learned that "Bieber blew .011 and .014 in two Breathalyzer tests given to him at the police station, according to a source with knowledge of the results. Florida's legal limit for drivers under the drinking age of 21 is .02. The police report said Bieber failed a field sobriety test given to him at the police station. He admitted to drinking, using marijuana and taking prescription pills, police said."

Now Justin Bieber has been charged with assaulting a limo driver a month ago. The police statement said "While driving the group to a hotel, an altercation occurred between one of the passengers and the driver of the limousine," the police statement said. "In the course of the altercation, a man struck the limousine driver on the back of the head several times. The driver stopped the limousine, exited the vehicle and called police." Of course his representatives are going to agree that he is innocent. If it were any other random person in the United States, they would be charged and punished accordingly. Justin Bieber will be appearing in court to discuss the incidents that happened.

Is that really a great influence on our children in today's already messed up society? Justin Bieber is a widely popular teen sensation. People of all ages are, well, basically obsessed with him. Is this because of his music, his looks, or his impeccable judgment?

N1 How are you going to pay for college?

So many high school seniors are under pressure when it comes to paying for college. How are colleges trying to offset the crazy cost of tuition? Well, usually when a student applies to a private college and they are accepted, the acceptance letter will contain the amount of an awarded scholarship that the college itself will offer. “The most common of these are merit-based academic scholarships, awarded based on SAT or ACT score, high school GPA, community service experience, or other criteria by a college, university, or state higher education agency,” says It’s extremely important for freshman, and any other underclassmen, to know that it is never too early to think about college. Start getting involved in as many things as you can, without letting your grades drop. Colleges are not the other source of receiving scholarships. There are so many out there, and all you have to do is apply. Some great scholarship websites are,, and!welcome. Every little bit helps when you’re paying for college on a tight budget, so don’t rule out any scholarships that don’t necessarily seem like a large amount. There are also athletic scholarships that are offered. But keep in mind, there are extremely hard to get. US News says “There are roughly 138,000 athletic scholarships available for Division I and Division II sports. That might sound like a lot, but it isn't. For instance, more than 1 million boys play high school football, but there are only about 19,500 football scholarships. Nearly 603,000 girls compete in track and field in high school, but they're competing for around 4,500 scholarships.” Don’t have your heart set on it, because it is rough competition. You don’t have to be the smartest kid in your class to get a decent scholarship. For example, I’m currently 54th in the senior class of 2014, out of 154 students. My overall GPA is a little above honor roll. When I applied to Elmira College, I received a scholarship for $23,000. Average tuition, before fees, is around $36,600. That is just one of the many colleges that have offered me exceptional scholarships to help me pay for college. Don’t get discouraged if your SAT score doesn’t really reflect your grades. Colleges look at a lot of things, but make sure you give them something worth looking at.

Friday, January 24, 2014

M2 How to Handle Your Anxiety

Now for the second question: What are the best anxiety treatments who don't want (or are afraid) to take medicines? Is there anything that might ease their concerns? Is there a point where medication becomes essential? Dr. Raison states that, "By far the best studied non-medicine treatment for depression or anxiety is psychotherapy. Literally hundreds of studies have shown that on average psychotherapy works as well for these conditions as do medications." The best study of psychotherapy is cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT. Talking to a therapist about your problems in any way can do nothing but promote positive mental health. Exercise has been famously known to help with the problem of depression. St. John's Wort has been known to decrease depression in patients. But does it actually work? "The data for St. John's Wort is plus/minus. Some evidence suggests that omega-3 fatty acids and N-acetyl-cysteine may hold promise for the treatment of depression," CNN states. There are many traditional, as well as non-traditional, ways to end suffering from anxiety and depression. "If someone has a pattern of becoming depressed every winter, bright light therapy with a light box delivering at least 10,000 lux of light has been shown to be very effective. About 10% of the population suffers from some degree of low mood and energy in winter. This phenomenon is more common in cold, dark, gray places than in warm, sunny Southern ones. The power of a light box to lift mood and give energy can really be exceptional. This is an option that is sadly too often overlooked," Raison states. There are so many different kinds of depression and anxiety and different levels of severity. The fact of the matter is if someone is dedicated to solving their mental health issues, they will be resolved. 

M1 How to Handle Your Anxiety

Dr. Charles Raison, CNN's mental health expert, explored the two most common questions about dealing with anxiety that we all have asked ourselves before. Can using marijuana or having a drink or two be helpful for people with anxiety? What should they watch out for? Using alcohol or drugs to deal with anxiety may not be the best option. Studies conclude that using such tools can lead to increased risk for a variety of mental health issues, including anxiety and depression. CNN states "Increasing data suggests that regular marijuana use in adolescence may also be a risk factor for developing very serious psychotic disorders, especially schizophrenia." Obviously teen drug and alcohol abuse a huge issue among society today. Parents aren't stupid. Teachers aren't oblivious. They know what kids do these days. But that's not the real issue. The problem is that teenagers believe that using such tools will help when they've had a long day at work, or fighting with their boyfriend/girlfriend. Having a bad week is an excuse to get into drugs and alcohol on the weekend. "But as Socrates noted almost 2,000 years ago, alcohol is both a blessing and a curse to mankind. Indeed, now we know that the regular modest use of alcohol actually promotes a number of health factors. Similarly, it is increasingly clear that many of the chemicals within marijuana hold great promise for the treatment of physical pain. The endocannabinoid system in the brain -- which is a primary target for marijuana -- has profound effects on how people think and feel," CNN states. The case isn't the same for everyone, though. People have been having a drink or two in the evening when coming home from work has been around since time immemorial. Experienced psychiatrists are actually recommending small doses of marijuana to depressed patients who haven't been responding to antidepressants. "Answering the question of what people who use these substances should watch out for is easier. They should watch out for the possibility that they become more anxious or depressed after drinking or using marijuana. And they should keep a close eye on their use, especially use of alcohol, which can be highly addictive. Whatever potential benefit alcohol and marijuana may offer is 100% lost once they are abuse," CNN states.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

P2 Things you probably wouldn't know on your own

CNN did a roundup of 4 studies that were posted last week. Most people probably miss this, though. Here are 5 studies that might cause you to make different decisions regarding your physical and mental health.

Study #1: Caffeine can improve your memory. There's not much evidence when it comes to long term memory, but in the short term, caffeine can improve your memory for over 24 hours. Too much caffeine will not do anything but harm. There must be a balance between how much caffeine you consume, so be aware.

Study #2: Humans burn half the calories other mammals do. We have a slow metabolism compared to other mammals, and that's the reason why we live such long lives. All primates require half the amount of energy as non-primates to get through an entire day. Scientists have no significant reason why this happens; all they know is that it does.

Study #3: Prolonged sitting jeopardizes older women's health. It's true-- a human body at rest will remain at rest. Older women who were not as active as others tend to die at an earlier age. The study concluded that "women with more than 11 hours of daily sedentary time faced a 12 percent increase in all-cause premature mortality compared with the most energetic group – those with four hours or less of inactivity."

Study #4: Parents accidentally confuse children's names more often when names sound alike. The study concluded that "When choosing baby names, parents often want something that is pleasing to the ear. Some even turn to alliteration when naming multiple children. But according to a new psychology study from The University of Texas at Austin, parents set themselves up for speech errors when they give their children similar-sounding names" So really, kids shouldn't read too much into their parents mixing their names up. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

P1 What's new for the New Year?

According to CNN, there are five things consumers will pay less for in the upcoming new year. Gold will continue to decrease in price, based on an increasingly strengthened economy. But even if the price of gold decreases, gold jewelry will not necessarily change in price. Gas is another commodity that will decrease. Avery Ash, a AAA spokesman, told CNNMoney at the end of 2013: "Our hope is that prices will continue to fall as cars grow increasingly fuel-efficient and refineries expand production to take advantage of the recent boom in North American crude oil." Electric cars will actually decrease in price since the cost of production decreases. The price of cellphone service will also decrease, which is good news for desperate customers. Cellphone service carriers are in competition to gain more customers. Tablets are also becoming less expensive since there are so many different models out there. In comparison, items used daily are becoming more expensive in the new year. Nuts are just an example of one of the items that are increasing in price. Nuts are in huge demand right now, and the poor crop conditions aren't allowing enough of them to be produced. Mailing a letter or package is also going to get more expensive. It will increase from 46 cents to 49 cents. Houses are expected to increase 5 percent this year, which will be a shock for people in the market. Houses aren't the only thing increasing, rent will also be going up this year due to a slowly increasing economy. Honey will be going up yet again, due to a bee disorder epidemic. Chocolate are going to increase in price this year as well, due to growing demand in emerging markets and bad weather in major cocoa producing countries. If satellite TV wasn't expensive as it is, it will be getting more pricey in the new year. It doesn't always pay to be green, either. Public transportation will be increasing as well.